70 Common Turkish Phrases And Expressions

  • Donovan Nagel
    Written by Donovan Nagel
    Donovan Nagel Teacher, translator, polyglot
    🎓 B.A., Theology, Australian College of Theology, NSW
    🎓 M.A., Applied Linguistics, University of New England, NSW

    Applied Linguistics graduate, teacher and translator. Founder of The Mezzofanti Guild and Talk In Arabic.
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70 Common Turkish Phrases And Expressions

My time living in Eastern Turkey showed me firsthand the need for so many common Turkish phrases.

In Malatya, I immersed myself in the local language, and everyday interactions taught me that a few essential phrases can open a lot of doors.

In this phrase guide, I’ve compiled a list of common Turkish phrases — from greetings and polite expressions to directions and dining essentials — that I found indispensable.

I also highly recommend checking out this list of online Turkish courses, which covers all the top online options for structured lessons and immersive practice opportunities.

Use the links here to jump ahead:

1. 👋 Greetings & Basic Interactions


Translation: Hello

Transliteration: Mehr-hah-bah

A general greeting used at any time of day.


Translation: Good morning

Transliteration: Goo-nahy-dun

Used in the morning.

İyi günler

Translation: Good day / Have a good day

Transliteration: Ee-yee goon-lar

A polite greeting wishing someone a good day.

İyi akşamlar

Translation: Good evening

Transliteration: Ee-yee ak-shahm-lar

Used in the evening.

İyi geceler

Translation: Good night

Transliteration: Ee-yee geh-je-lar

Used when saying good night.

Hoş geldiniz

Translation: Welcome (said to you)

Transliteration: Hosh gel-dee-neez

A warm greeting typically used when someone arrives.

Hoş bulduk

Translation: (Response to “Hoş geldiniz”)

Transliteration: Hosh bool-dook

Used in reply to “Hoş geldiniz”, meaning “Glad to be here.”

Güle güle

Translation: Goodbye (said to someone leaving)

Transliteration: Gew-leh gew-leh

Used when bidding farewell to someone who is departing.

Hoşça kal

Translation: Goodbye (said when you’re leaving)

Transliteration: Hosh-cha kal

Used when you are the one departing.


Translation: See you later

Transliteration: Go-roo-shoo-rooz

A casual way to say goodbye with the expectation of meeting again.

2. 🙏 Polite Expressions

Teşekkür ederim

Translation: Thank you (formal)

Transliteration: Teh-sheh-kewr eh-deh-reem

A formal way to express gratitude.


Translation: Thanks (informal)

Transliteration: Teh-sheh-kewr-lar

A casual expression of thanks.

Rica ederim

Translation: You’re welcome

Transliteration: Ree-jah eh-deh-reem

A polite response to expressions of gratitude.


Translation: Please

Transliteration: Lewt-fen

Used when making a request.


Translation: Excuse me (formal)

Transliteration: Ah-feh-dehr-see-neez

Used to politely get someone’s attention or to apologize in formal settings.


Translation: Sorry / Excuse me (casual)

Transliteration: Par-don

A casual expression used for apologies or to get attention.

Kolay gelsin

Translation: May your work be easy

Transliteration: Ko-lī gel-seen

Often said to someone who is working, for example when entering a shop.

Elinize sağlık

Translation: Health to your hands

Transliteration: El-in-eez-eh sahl-uk

A compliment typically given to someone who has cooked or prepared food.

Memnun oldum

Translation: Nice to meet you

Transliteration: Mem-noon ol-doom

Used when meeting someone for the first time.

Başınız sağ olsun

Translation: Condolences (for loss)

Transliteration: Bah-shuh-nuz sa ol-soon

Expresses sympathy and condolences after a loss.

3. 🧭 Directions & Transportation

… nerede?

Translation: Where is…?

Transliteration: neh-reh-deh

Used to ask the location of something. For example: “Tuvalet nerede?” means “Where’s the bathroom?”


Translation: Left

Transliteration: Sohl

Indicates the left direction.


Translation: Right

Transliteration: Sah

Indicates the right direction.


Translation: Straight

Transliteration: Dewz

Used to indicate going straight ahead.


Translation: Bus station

Transliteration: Oh-toh-gar

Refers to a bus station.

Tren istasyonu

Translation: Train station

Transliteration: Tren ees-tas-yon-oo

Used when referring to a train station.


Translation: Airport

Transliteration: Hah-vah-lee-mah-nuh

Used to refer to an airport.

Bilet ne kadar?

Translation: How much is the ticket?

Transliteration: Bee-leht neh kah-dahr

Used to ask for the price of a ticket.

Taksi lazım

Translation: I need a taxi

Transliteration: Tahk-see lah-zuhm

Used when you require a taxi.

Metro nerede?

Translation: Where is the metro?

Transliteration: Meh-tro neh-reh-deh

Used to inquire about the location of the metro station.

4. 🍽️ Dining & Food

Menü alabilir miyim?

Translation: Can I have the menu?

Transliteration: Meh-nyoo ah-lah-bee-leer mee-yeem

Used when requesting a menu at a restaurant.

Su lütfen

Translation: Water, please

Transliteration: Soo lewt-fen

A common request for water.

Hesap lütfen

Translation: The bill, please

Transliteration: Heh-sahp lewt-fen

Used when asking for the check at a restaurant.


Translation: I’m vegetarian

Transliteration: Veh-jeh-tar-yen-eem

Indicates dietary preferences.

Alerjim var

Translation: I have an allergy

Transliteration: Ah-lehr-jeem vahr

Used to notify about food allergies.

Çok lezzetli!

Translation: Very delicious!

Transliteration: Chohk lez-zet-lee

An expression used to compliment food.

Afiyet olsun

Translation: Bon appétit

Transliteration: Ah-fee-yet ol-soon

Wishing someone an enjoyable meal.

Şekerli/Şekersiz kahve

Translation: Coffee with/without sugar

Transliteration: Sheh-kehr-lee/Sheh-kehr-seez kah-veh

Used when ordering coffee with or without sugar.

Paket yapar mısınız?

Translation: Can you pack this to-go?

Transliteration: Pah-ket yah-par muh-suh-nuhz

Used to ask if food can be packed for takeaway.

Bu ne kadar?

Translation: How much is this?

Transliteration: Boo neh kah-dahr

A general inquiry about the price of an item.

5. 🛍️ Shopping & Bargaining

İndirim var mı?

Translation: Is there a discount?

Transliteration: Een-dee-reem vahr muh

Used when asking if an item is discounted.

Kredi kartı kabul ediyor musunuz?

Translation: Do you accept credit cards?

Transliteration: Kreh-dee kahr-tuh kah-bool ed-ee-your moo-soo-nooz

Used to inquire about available payment options.

Deneyebilir miyim?

Translation: Can I try this on?

Transliteration: Deh-neh-yeh-bee-leer mee-yeem

Used in a clothing store to ask if you can try on an item.

Sadece bakıyorum

Translation: I’m just looking

Transliteration: Sah-deh-jeh bah-kuh-your-oom

Used to indicate that you are browsing without the intention to buy immediately.


Translation: Cheap/Expensive

Transliteration: Oo-jooz/Pah-hah-luh

Used to comment on the price of an item.

Farklı renk var mı?

Translation: Do you have other colors?

Transliteration: Fahrk-luh renk vahr muh

Used when asking if there are options in different colors.


Translation: Small/Large

Transliteration: Kew-chewk/Bew-yewk

Used when specifying size options.


Translation: I like it

Transliteration: Beh-yen-deem

Used to express approval of an item.


Translation: I’ll think about it

Transliteration: Dew-shew-neh-jeh-eem

Indicates that you need time before making a decision.

Biraz indirim yapabilir misiniz?

Translation: Can you lower the price?

Transliteration: Bee-rahz een-dee-reem yah-pah-bee-leer mee-see-neez

Used to negotiate a lower price.

6. 🚑 Emergencies & Health

Yardım edin!

Translation: Help!

Transliteration: Yahr-duhm eh-deen

An urgent call for assistance.

Doktor çağırın!

Translation: Call a doctor!

Transliteration: Dohk-tohr chah-uh-run

Used in a medical emergency.

Polis çağırın!

Translation: Call the police!

Transliteration: Poh-lees chah-uh-run

Used when you need law enforcement assistance.


Translation: I’m lost

Transliteration: Kai-bohl-doom

Used when you cannot find your way.


Translation: I’m sick

Transliteration: Hahs-tah-yuhm

Used to indicate that you are not feeling well.

Alerjim var

Translation: I have an allergy

Transliteration: Ah-lehr-jeem vahr

Used to notify about a medical allergy.

Hastane nerede?

Translation: Where is the hospital?

Transliteration: Hahs-tah-neh neh-reh-deh

Used to ask for the location of a hospital.


Translation: Fire!

Transliteration: Yahn-guhn

A warning call in case of fire.


Translation: Emergency!

Transliteration: Eem-daht

A cry for urgent help.

Ağrı kesici

Translation: Painkiller

Transliteration: Ah-ruh keh-see-jee

Used to refer to medication that relieves pain.

7. 🏨 Accommodation

Rezervasyonum var

Translation: I have a reservation

Transliteration: Reh-zer-vah-syo-noom vahr

Used to confirm a booking at a hotel or similar accommodation.

Boş oda var mı?

Translation: Do you have a vacant room?

Transliteration: Bohsh oh-dah vahr muh

Used to inquire about available rooms.

Kahvaltı saat kaçta?

Translation: What time is breakfast?

Transliteration: Kah-vahl-tuh sah-aht kahch-tah

Used to ask for the breakfast schedule.

Klima çalışmıyor

Translation: The AC isn’t working

Transliteration: Klee-mah chah-luhsh-muh-your

Used to report a malfunction in the air conditioning.

Çıkış saat kaç?

Translation: What’s the checkout time?

Transliteration: Chuh-kuhsh sah-aht kahch

Used to inquire about the checkout time.

8. 📚 Miscellaneous Essentials

İngilizce biliyor musunuz?

Translation: Do you speak English?

Transliteration: In-gee-leez-jeh bee-lee-your moo-soo-nooz

Used to ask if someone can communicate in English.

Türkçe bilmiyorum

Translation: I don’t speak Turkish

Transliteration: Tewrk-cheh beel-mee-your-oom

Used to indicate that you do not understand Turkish.

Yavaş konuşur musunuz?

Translation: Can you speak slowly?

Transliteration: Yah-vahsh koh-noo-shoor moo-soo-nooz

Used to request that someone slow down their speech.

Fotoğraf çekebilir miyim?

Translation: Can I take a photo?

Transliteration: Foh-toh-raf cheh-keh-bee-leer mee-yeem

Used to ask for permission to take a photograph.

İyi yolculuklar!

Translation: Safe travels!

Transliteration: Ee-yee yohl-joo-look-lar

A wish for a safe and pleasant journey.

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Donovan Nagel
Donovan Nagel - B. Th, MA AppLing
I'm an Applied Linguistics graduate, teacher and translator with a passion for language learning (especially Arabic).
Currently learning: Greek


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- Ludwig Wittgenstein