How Long Does It Take To Learn A Language?
Are you hoping to learn a foreign language and want to know how long it will take?
This language learning calculator has been meticulously designed to receive your input and compute a likely timeframe for your goal completion. To determine this answer, we've sourced official language and survey data, and implemented our own algorithmic tweaks to determine an accurate estimate.
If you have any suggestions for improvement, contact me here.
Important: it isn't possible to take into consideration everyone's individual circumstances, aptitude and familiarity with related languages. It's important that you take this tool's result and make your own personalized adjustments where necessary.
What language are you learning?
What's your current level?
What level do you want to reach?
Your language learning experience:
I haven't learned or studied anything since school
How motivated are you?
I'm really not looking forward to this
How often you expect to study:
1 study period per week